Augher Woman May Take Decorations Down Today

3cc64b8edaf9bb8804b4e69af7c9903aAn Augher woman is said to ‘be in two minds’ whether to take down the decorations today or to leave them up for another lock of days. 

Although a decision is to be made around 2pm today depending on her mood and how the children are getting on, close friends reckon they’ll definitely be the first decorations down in the greater Clogher Valley area by tonight.

Mrs McKenna is believed to have floated the notion to her line-dancing group at their post-Christmas limbering up session on the 27th. Although some were verbally and physically hostile to the decision, others were reportedly secretly willing her on to be the first house in Augher since records began to take the decorations down before New Year’s Eve.

An anonymous source confirmed:

“I hope she bloody does it. It’ll set a precedent and although there’s a chance she’ll be burned out of it by local fanatics, we’ll stand with her. I’ve already secretly removed 17 balls from my tree and no one batted an eyelid.”

Although very few houses still keep their decorations up until the old traditional date around the 6th of January, it is still frowned upon in mid-Tyrone if they are taken down before Auld Lang Syne is sung.

About Gombeen

Trying hard to make it up.

Posted on December 29, 2018, in Augher, Clogher and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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