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Mysterious Omagh Humming Sound Revealed As An Old Age Choir That Just Hums Songs

The mysterious humming sound that has plagued Omagh residents for over a year has been revealed after diligent undercover work by the Tyrone Tribulations Investigative Team (TTIT). Despite government officials declaring that they would not reveal the source, we can reveal that an underground pensioner choir in the town have taken to humming classic songs such as ‘Over The Rainbow’, ‘Two Outta Three Ain’t Bad’ and ‘Ne’er My God To Thee’ due to many of the singers forgetting the words.

The humming choir, which was due to make its debut at the Tyrone Fleadh this year with an average age of 76, have decided not to perform publically because of a possible public backlash after it emerged hundreds of Omagh townspeople haven’t slept in months.

One of the humming singers, simply known as ‘Sinattera’, explained:

“We kept forgetting how some songs started and it was a bit awkward with the silences and all. Then I just told them ‘fcuk it, just hum til we work out the tune’ so we started humming and then just continued humming. Everyone was so happy not to get hit by the conductor. We can hum the whole of the Bat Outta Hell album by Meatloaf. But we’d get our heads kicked in if some of the sleepless people saw us.”

Omagh residents have agreed not to take the 30-strong hummers to court but have warned them never to perform again or they’ll get burnt out of it in their underground bunker on the Gortin Road.

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